Hymns by Number

Song Number Song Title Scripture Tune Audio Video
670 I Waited Patiently for God Psalm 40 AMAZING GRACE/NEW BRITAIN Listen
671 The LORD Is Compassionate and Gracious Psalm 103:8-13, 17-18
672 O Come, My Soul, Sing Praise to God Psalm 103 TIDINGS Listen
673 How Precious Is Your Unfailing Love Psalm 36 YOUR UNFAILING LOVE
673 Psalm 36 Psalm 36
674 As Moses Raised the Serpent Up John 3:14-17 O WALY WALY
675 By Grace We Have Been Saved OH, HOW I LOVE JESUS
676 Oh, How I Love Jesus
677 For the Glories of God's Grace 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 MONKLAND
678 Affirmation: The Forgiveness of Sins
679 For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free ELLACOMBE Listen
680 O God, We Kneel Before Your Throne Ephesians 3:14-21 KNOLLCREST FARM
680 Optional acclamation (Eph. 1:17-23) Ephesians 1:17-23
681 A Great High Priest Hebrews 4:14-16
682 Before the Throne of God Above BEFORE THE THRONE Listen, Listen
683 How Great Is the Love of the Father 1 John 3:1-3 ANNO DOMINI
684 There in God's Garden Revelation 22 SHADES MOUNTAIN Listen
685 I Sought the Lord, and Afterward I Knew FINLANDIA
686 A Prayer of Praise
687 Father, Long Before Creation CORONAE
688 How Vast the Benefits Divine BETHLEHEM
689 There's a Wideness in God's Mercy CIVILITY Listen
690 I Know Not Why God's Wondrous Grace EL NATHAN
691 Amazing Grace AMAZING GRACE/NEW BRITAIN Listen, Listen
692 Amazing Grace Chant AMAZING GRACE CHANT Listen
693 Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) MY CHAINS ARE GONE
694 Assurance: No Condemnation in Christ Romans 8:1, 11, 14-16
695 And Can It Be SAGINA
696 Marvelous Grace MOODY
697 Affirmation: Righteous Before God
698 Your Grace Is Enough YOUR GRACE IS ENOUGH
699 Like a River Glorious WYE VALLEY
700 Your Mercy Flows YOUR MERCY FLOWS Listen
701 Assurance: Who Is a God Like You Micah 7:18-20
702 Depth of Mercy DEPTH OF MERCY
703 Assurance: Surely He Took Up Our Pain Isaiah 53:4-6
704 The Blood That Jesus Shed for Me THE BLOOD
705 Affirmation: Washed with Christ's Blood and Spirit
706 There Is a Balm in Gilead BALM IN GILEAD
707 Goodness Is Stronger than Evil GOODNESS IS STRONGER
708 Kwake Yesu nasimama/Here on Jesus Christ I Will Stand KWAKE YESU
709 Jesus Loves Me JESUS LOVES ME
710 Glory, Glory, Hallelujah GLORY
711 Optional prayer
711 The Lord Is God, the One and True God COMMANDMENTS
712 Happy Is the One Psalm 1 BENEDICTUS PRIMUS Listen
713 What Does the Lord Require of You Micah 6:8 MOON
714 The One Is Blest Psalm 1 WINCHESTER OLD Listen
715 Litany: The Ten Commandments 1 Deuteronomy 5:6-21, Exodus 20:1-17
716 Love God with All Your Soul and Strength FARRANT
